Special Delivery at PHL

Baby formula arrivalThousands of pounds of important cargo pass through Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) every day, but perhaps none more special that the more than 200,000 pounds of baby formula UPS transported to PHL from Melbourne, Australia, on July 5.

Preparing for Summer Weather Events at the Airport

When people think of weather and air travel, usually the first images that pop up are of plows and other apparatus clearing snow off runways and deicing liquid bathing aircraft on airport deicing pads. While it is true that winter weather operations and the related travel disruptions that often accompany it are a big deal and attract a lot of attention in cold weather cities like Philadelphia, summer weather can be just as significant in terms of its impact on air travel.

Summer Travel Cyber Security Tips

Millions of people will travel domestically and internationally through Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) and airports around the world this summer. According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, travel within the United States will reach pre-pandemic numbers in 2022. The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency recommends travelers practice safe and secure cyber activity to prevent cyber-crimes while on vacation. The threat of cyber-crimes can impact anyone at any time.

PHL Commemorates Juneteenth

Juneteenth —June 19-- acknowledges the date in 1865 when Federal troops went to Galveston, Texas, to publicly inform enslaved people that they were free. This occurred two years after the Emancipation Proclamation Act of 1863. An estimated 250,000 people were still enslaved when troops arrived and forced Texas slaveowners to relinquish ownership of the people.

Philadelphia International Airport  (PHL) will observe Juneteenth by lighting its ramp tower red, black and green, the colors of the African American flag, from June 18-21.

PHL Safe & Sound: Transportation Security Specialist Canine Handlers Joseph Zappala, Gary Stoerrle, Michael Rossi and Jose Del Rosario

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Transportation Security Specialist Canine (TSS-C) Handlers Joseph Zappala, Gary Stoerrle, Michael Rossi, and Jose Del Rosario recently received the “Safe & Sound” award in Philadelphia International Airport’s (PHL) Employee Recognition Program. This award recognizes employees who protect the integrity and safety of passengers through proactive communication, exemplary teamwork, courage, and effective action.    

PHL Safe & Sound: Transportation Security Officers Angel Wilson and Lung-Hua Lu

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) Angel Wilson and Lung-Hua Lu recently received the “Safe & Sound” award in Philadelphia International Airport’s (PHL) Airport Employee Recognition Program. This award recognizes employees who protect the integrity and safety of passengers through proactive communication, exemplary teamwork, courage, and effective action.     

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