The Best Return on Investment in Aviation: Co-ops & Interns at PHL

Co-operatives (also known as “co-ops”) at Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) are more invested than your average internship program. Co-ops are, by and large, full-time paid positions. Internships can vary between paid or unpaid and part-time or full-time, depending on the employer and the career field. As the airport invests in the next generation of aviation leaders, there is a mutual benefit to having co-ops and interns on board.

PHL Caring Support: Passenger Assistance Team Supervisor Tara McSorley

Passenger Assistance Team Supervisor Tara McSorley recently received the “Caring Support” award in PHL’s Airport Employee Recognition Program. This award recognizes employees who provide exceptional care and services to seniors, families with young children, disabled passengers, and others with special needs. 

Summer Essentials and Safety Tips

With 7.7 million passengers expected to pass through the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) this summer, the TSA advises guests to arrive at the airport two-to-three hours before their flights. Since many people are traveling again for the first time since the pandemic – it’s important to remember that PHL has all the essentials you need and may have forgotten.  

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