USO Is Once Again Welcoming Military Personnel at PHL

As Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) has seen more passengers traveling through, more food and retail businesses opening up and more services coming back in recent weeks following a virtual shutdown during the peak of the COVID-19 crisis, PHL was especially happy to see one member of its community open its doors again.

American Airlines Expands Cargo Flight Operations at PHL

American Airlines recently expanded its global cargo routes, scheduling more than 400 widebody flights worldwide beginning August 5.  At PHL, American added cargo-only flights to Amsterdam (three times weekly), resumed cargo service to Zurich (twice weekly) and extended the twice weekly cargo flights to Rome, Milan and Frankfurt that began June 27.    

The Art of Physical Distancing

Navigating the physically distanced world is a learning process, not only for the public remembering to keep six feet apart, but also for facilities setting up stanchions and barriers to keep patrons safely spaced. At PHL, that means making changes in real time.

Northeast Philadelphia Airport Receives $9.1 Million FAA Airport Improvement Program Grant

Northeast Philadelphia Airport (PNE) was awarded a $9.1 million Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to rehabilitate Runway 6-24, which is PNE's primary runway and accounts for approximately 60 percent of the airport’s traffic. This is the largest FAA AIP grant PNE has ever received.

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