PHL Celebrates Opening of Pavement and Grounds Crew Facility

On Friday, May 17, the Department of Aviation officially opened the new Pavement and Grounds (P&G) Crew Facility on Island Avenue. Chief Operating Officer Keith Brune, Chief Development Officer Api Appulingam, Interim Vice President of Facilities Maintenance Milton Robinson, and P&G Superintendent Ryan Moten, cut the ribbon on the gleaming gray and blue facility.

The new building boasts many features that will make working on the landside and airfield pavement more efficient – including dedicated parking, direct airfield access, offices, conference rooms, a laundry room, changing facilities, and a spacious break room. The new facility also includes many thoughtful touches, including an adjoining courtyard with a flagpole, a newly planted tree, and a bench with a plaque identifying it as “A quiet place to remember our co-workers who are no longer with us”.


As Moten commented, “We are grateful for the new building. This facility definitely promotes positive energy for the P&G team. PHL is almost like home for us. We’re here so much of the time, especially during snow events. This investment reinforces that DOA appreciates us and the work that we do.” 



Take a look at the timeline of the P&G facility, from groundbreaking to ribbon cutting:




Media Contacts

Christine Ottow
Director of Strategic Communications
[email protected]
Heather Redfern
Public Affairs Manager
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