PHL Impression Makers - PPA Maintenance II Employee James Faulk

PPA Maintenance II employee James Faulk recently received the “Impression Makers” award from Philadelphia International Airport’s (PHL) Employee Recognition Program. This award recognizes employees who provide direct customer service to passengers.    


Faulk has been at PHL since 2016 and works the 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. shift. In this role, Faulk maintains PPA-operated garages, elevators, and the lobby. His responsibilities include painting, waste disposal, and, in the winter, snow plowing. He strives to keep the airport a safe and clean environment.  


“I love my job,” said Faulk. “It’s common courtesy to help people. I would want someone to help my parents if they needed it. I feel good when I help people out of the kindness of my heart.”  


While working, Faulk demonstrates values of customer-centrism, transcending expectations, effectiveness, respect, and integrity. 


In his nomination of Faulk, passenger Michael Schafer stated, “James helped me find my vehicle on Easter Sunday. I knew my car was in Garage A but did not know what level or row. James noticed I was walking around trying to buzz the car alarm and asked if I needed assistance. He offered to help and drove me around several levels and rows until we finally found the vehicle. He went out of his way to help. It was also his first day on his new shift. I could not have thanked him enough.” 


Faulk enjoys working as a team with his colleagues. He believes two hands are better than one, and he appreciates the strong bonds he has with them. A quote he lives by is “Treat people the way you want to be treated."  


One of Faulk’s most memorable moments at the airport is winning this Employee Recognition Award.   


In his free time, Faulk loves to spend time with his family and is looking forward to a family reunion in Virginia Beach later this month.   


“I appreciate the opportunity to work for the PPA,” said Faulk. “I want to thank the person who nominated me and brought it to my supervisors’ attention.” 


The PHL Employee Recognition Program was established by the airport’s Guest Experience (GX) Department. Honorees are nominated by their peers and selected by the GX Council Steering Committee’s Employee Conduct and Recognition Committee. For more information about the program and to nominate an employee, click here


Media Contacts

Christine Ottow
Director of Strategic Communications
[email protected]
Heather Redfern
Public Affairs Manager
[email protected]

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