SMS Training Courses

SMS For Everyone (10 Minutes)

FAA’s proposed rulemaking includes a requirement that each person in the organization participate in training or orientation that addresses hazard identification and reporting. This course offers an SMS overview and brief, relevant examples to illustrate how to identify and report hazards.

SMS Implementation (15 Minutes)

Making sense of implementing SMS can be a challenge. This course focuses on what SMS does, why it is important, and the current and future implementation process. Included in the course are examples of how SMS processes can help improve department financial and operational performance.

Managing Operational Hazards and Risk at PHL (15 Minutes)

This course focuses on practical application of hazard identification, risk resolution, and risk management for operational staff at PHL. Included are communication and information sharing strategies and use of risk management tools. The course applies these concepts using interactive scenarios.

SMS and Safety Investigations (30 Minutes)

For those times where an investigation into a safety event is necessary, humanizing the process can make all the difference in identifying the root cause and aiding in finding solutions. This course introduces the Just Culture concept and presents practical information to help investigating teams focus on what matters after an event has occurred.

Safety Risk Management for Managers (30 Minutes)

Front-line employees rely on managers and leaders to understand risk and help them manage it. For managers without risk-analysis experience, the process can be daunting. This session provides templates for action, practical examples, and a focus on managing risk collaboratively.

SMS Overview (5 Minutes)

This short video produced by the UK Civil Aviation Authority provides an excellent overview of SMS and its benefits

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