Safety Policy Statement

Safety policy and objectives set out the framework for reaching our goals and the metrics the PHL SMS team will use to measure safety progress. PHL’s Policy Statement demonstrates Management’s commitment to providing resources to identify and resolve safety concerns through data collection and collaboration within the Airport community. With strong management support, the PHL SMS provides opportunities throughout the organization to make informed decisions. One of the Airport’s core SMS goals is to ensure high-risk, unsafe conditions are prioritized and resolved as quickly as possible and are monitored to support continuous improvement. The Airport’s Safety Policy Statement below presents PHL’s Management’s commitment to safety.

Placing people first is a core value of the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL).

PHL commits to it employees, tenants, and passengers to provide the safest possible work and travel environment. As part of that commitment, PHL is implementing a Safety Management System (SMS) that enables Airport employees and tenants to report safety issues that are proactively addressed and resolved in a collaborative manner. An integral part of the SMS is our reliance on each individual to participate in and improve safety practices as part of their daily work activities. 

We Expect...

  • Safety to be the primary focus in all Airport business activities
  • Collaboration among all Airport stakeholders to discuss and resolve safety concerns
  • Reporting of safety concerns from all employees and tenants

We Commit To...

  • Continuously striving to improve safety throughput the airport
  • Practicing proactive safety management 
  • Communicating safety trends and progress made as an Airport community
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